2001 World Championship Deck (Alex Borteh)

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Set: World Championship Decks 2001 Sealed
Release Date: 2001-08-08
Alex Borteh's monoblue combo deck contained twelve 1-toughness creatures. These helped hold the board until his Static Orb-Opposition combo could lock down his opponents' permanents—clearing the way for a horde of Merfolk to pour through for the victory.

The cards produced are gold-bordered versions and do not have a standard Magic card back, making them unusable in DCI-sanctioned tournaments. The cards are also stamped with the player's autograph. This competitor release included their 60-card deck and 15-card sideboard, 12 blank proxy cards, and cards with a printed decklist, a biography of the player, and an overview of the four decks release for their respective year.

• 60-Cards deck
• 15-Cards sideboard
• 12 Blank cards
• 3 Info cards about the deck

Note: These cards are not tournament legal.


Merfolk Opposition

Creature (20)
• 2 Darting Merfolk
• 4 Lord of Atlantis
• 4 Merfolk Looter
• 4 Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
• 4 Vodalian Merchant
• 2 Waterfront Bouncer

Enchantment (4)
• 4 Opposition

Instant (12)
• 4 Counterspell
• 4 Gush
• 4 Thwart

Artifact (4)
• 4 Static Orb

Land (20)
• 20 Island

Sideboard (15)
• 3 Hibernation
• 3 Mana Maze
• 2 Misdirection
• 2 Prodigal Sorcerer
• 1 Rushing River
• 2 Teferi's Response
• 2 Wash Out

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